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SFC celebrates the 2nd SFC Alumni Awards

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Startup Funding Club honours the achievements of its investee companies at the SFC Alumni Winter Party & Awards.

Startup Funding Club (SFC) has begun the year by rewarding some of its brightest alumni at the SFC Alumni Winter Party & Awards. The event, held at the London offices of SFC’s legal partner Withersworldwide, was attended by startups that had previously received investment from SFC – including some of the organisation’s most recent investments – and some members of the award-winning SFC Angel Network.

Following SFC’s CEO Stephen Page opening speech, attendees briefly introduced themselves and their ventures to the other parties present before giving the word to Withersworldwide. SFC’s legal partners presented a panel of experts in Intellectual Property, employment and investment. The speakers provided the alumni with valuable advice and tips in their fields of expertise as well as answered to their enquiries during the Q&A session.

Previous to concluding the evening with a relaxed networking session, Page announced the winners – and nominees – of the 2nd SFC Alumni Awards, who were awarded products from fellow alumni company Future Mobile Technology:

Best Fundraising

Tapoly – Winner
Jupiter Diagnostics

Best Reporting

Torsion IS – Winner

Best Commercial Traction

Olly’s Olives – Winner

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